Read. Listen. Learn.
“Change is the end result of all true learning.” - Leo Buscaglia

Recommended reading from other authors
“Breakdown: The Inside Story of the Rise and Fall of Heenan Blaikie” by Norman Bacal
“Strategy and the Fat Smoker: Doing What's Obvious But Not Easy” by David Maister
“Strengths Finder 2.0” by Tom Rath
“Purple Cow” by Seth Godin
Our own select publication list
“Know When to Fold ‘Em,” Slaw
“What Do You Get When You Cross a Puppy Video With Downton Abbey? A Champion.” Slaw
“Understand Your Best Clients and Win Their Next RFP,” Slaw
“The Client Impact of Your Retirement,” Slaw
“Marketing functions: a forensic review,”CBA PracticeLink
“Grin vs. Grimace (et al.),” CBABC BarTalk
“Selling legal services: there’s something fishy about it,” CBABC BarTalk
“10 Steps to a hard-working website,” CBABC BarTalk
“Memberships: active participation brings rewards,” CBABC BarTalk
“Correcting the top 10 law firm marketing mistakes,” CBA PracticeLink
“Retreat locations: five of B.C.’s best,” CBA PracticeLink
“Challenging a Few Myths About Legal Marketing,” Slaw
“Small Firm, Big Impact -- PR that packs punch,” VALA Topics
“Healthy practice habits,” CBABC BarTalk
“Top 10 law firm marketing mistakes -- uncovered and solved,” CBA PracticeLink
“A sponsorship of Olympic proportions,” Lawyers Weekly
“Writing a winning proposals is key to the success of any law firm,” BCLMA Topics
“Five steps to create a winning client retention strategy,” CBA PracticeLink
“Client recognition is not a seasonal sport,” CBA PracticeLink
“The Ten Most Important Tips for Articling Students and New Lawyers,” Slaw
“Branding the law firm,” CBA PracticeLink
“Waiting for a good reception,” CBABC BarTalk
“Five ways to measure the success of your marketing efforts,” CBA PracticeLink
“Six things to stop and start,” CBA PracticeLink
“Holding your website up to the mirror: a reality check,”CBA PracticeLink
Some of our law firm retreat, presentations, workshops
LMA Western Canada, Legal Marketing Presentation for BCIT, UBC, CapU, SFU students, presenter and moderator
BCLMA Rules of Engagement
LMA Western Canada, Law Firm Economics
LMA Eastern Canada Conference: Running your department like a business
BCLMA Law Firm Financials
Law firm retreat (Vancouver)
SABABC “Discover highly successful business development habits”
CLEBC Lawyers and the Media
Law firm retreat (Whistler)
CBA Women Lawyers Forum: co-presented, “Surviving and thriving during the economic storm and beyond”
LMA Annual Conference Debrief: co-presented
CBABC Women’s Forum: Surviving and thriving during economic storm, co-presenter
LMA Vancouver: Bootcamp speaker
Osgoode Law School: Using Social Media for Business Development
LMA HELM Awards: Master of Ceremony
Law firm retreat (Victoria)
LMA Boot Camp: “Employing public relations to build and enhance your practice”
CBA Presidents Forum: “Law firm marketing: dispelling the myths”
Law firm retreat (Vancouver)
CBA Women Lawyers Forum: “Effective marketing: networking and beyond”
LMA Vancouver Chapter Launch: Master of Ceremony